Why Teenager Must Confront Their Emotions

Why Teenager Must Confront Their Emotions

Many teens see emotions as something that interferes with their lives and must be strictly controlled. These teens, some of whom I see in my practice, do not have a working understanding of the usefulness of emotions. Often, part of their therapy is educating them about the importance of emotions and why acknowledging them is useful.

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Video Game Addiction and Teenagers: Understanding The Allure

Video Game Addiction and Teenagers: Understanding The Allure
Teenagers have a big job to do.  They have to cement their identity, gain a realistic sense of their power to make changes in their life and create a social support network where they are valued, accepted and feel like they belong to.  In short they have to grow up feeling good about who they are and what they can do with their lives.  However, our world is not perfect and sometimes these challenges are more than teenagers can bear.  All sorts of things can go wrong with these goals that are so necessary to a being a well-adjusted and happy adult.  When this happens teenagers experience themselves as depleted and long for meaning and satisfaction in their lives.  This is usually what’s going on in a life of a teenager when they become addicted to video games.
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Nurturing Mothers Boost Their Teen's Brain Power

Finally! Scientific evidence that supports what mental health professionals have been saying for decades. When you nurture your child it is good for their brain. According to the article below children with nurturing mothers have a significantly larger brain structure, called the hippocampus, compared to children with less nurturing mothers.
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