5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Teens Manage Anger

5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Teens Manage Anger
Teenagers have a lot to be angry about but they are among the worst at expressing it. Adolescence is a confusing time as teenagers learn to manage physical and mental changes, growing responsibilities, and social pressure all while figuring out who they are and how they fit in. Teenagers express their anger in different ways. As a parent, you know when you teenager is upset. Some explode for all to see and hear while others keep to themselves and shut everyone out. Regardless of how they express anger, it can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience for both teenagers and parents. For parents, it can be difficult to handle your teenager’s anger, especially if it is directed at you. So what can you do to help you teen manage their anger?
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5 Ways Parents Can Help Teens Get Through Summer

5 Ways Parents Can Help Teens Get Through Summer
Summertime can be a challenging time for parents. Work schedules don’t change for many parents yet your teen’s schedule is up in the air, which can cause distress as families adjust. Depending on the age of your children, summer can be more difficult than other times of year. Younger children and tweens are more likely to follow the summer plan you have outlined for them, whether that means more time with the grandparents, a trip to a summer camp, or some summer schooling. On the other hand, older teens are more independent, especially if they drive or have their own car. So as a parent what can you do this summer to keep your teenager off the couch and out of trouble while preserving your sanity?
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5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Teen Overcome Peer Pressure

5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Teen Overcome Peer Pressure
As a parent, you see it all the time. Overnight, your teen has a new profound interest in the latest gadget or fashion style you’ve never heard of. That iPhone 4s you gave them last year is an “embarrassment” to have in public and now they want purple highlights in their hair. It all becomes so clear when their BFF (best friend forever) comes over to visit and proudly displays their new hair style and an iPhone 5 with a customized case. Close friends can exert a tremendous amount of influence even if they’re not trying to do so. We are social creatures and those we choose to spend our time with will, to a certain degree, shape our opinions, actions, and interests.
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5 Ways to Improve Your Teenager’s Self-Esteem

5 Ways to Improve Your Teenager’s Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a person’s perception of their self-worth and is an important part of succeeding in life and being happy. How we view ourselves affects how we act with others and influences what we believe we can achieve. Teenagers commonly struggle with poor self-esteem because they are still developing a sense of who they are and what they are capable of. Fortunately, as a parent you can help your teenager develop a positive self-image and high self-esteem.
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